Here are important terms you should know to help understand the site and paranormal investigation more clearly.
EVP- Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Sections of static noise on the radio or electronic recording media that are interpreted by paranormal investigators as
voices speaking words usually attributed to ghosts or spirits.[1] Recording EVP has become a technique of those who attempt
to contact the souls of dead loved ones or during ghost hunting activities. In addition to deceased spirits, various paranormal
investigators say that EVP could be due to psychic echoes from the past, psychokinesis unconsciously produced by living people,
and the thoughts of aliens. According to parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive, who popularized the idea,[2] EVP are typically
brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase. (Source Wikipedia)
The term orb describes unexpected, typically circular artifacts in photographs. Sometimes the artifact is in motion, leaving
a trail. The technical photographic term for the occurance of orbs, especially pronounced in modern ultra-compact cameras,
is backscatter, orb backscatter or near-camera reflection. Orb Backscatter also has been interpreted as otherwise invisible
spirits, auras, angels, ghosts, energy fields, psychoenergetic artifacts, energy balls or other paranormal phenomenon -- and
hence beyond scientific explanation. (Source Wikipedia)