The Click Tunnel can be found on TN-346 (Sensabaugh Hollow Road) in Church Hill Tennessee (Sullivan County). If you are traveling
from Big Elm Road it will be a left, almost 90* turn onto Sensabaugh Hollow. It was made by the Clinchfield Railroad in the
1920's and is 608' long and contains a one lane road. More often than not, I've heard this called the Sensabaugh Tunnel,
this is incorrect. The stories of the two tunnels are confused even by those who know the difference. Author Charles Edwin
Price gives a few examples in more haunted Tennessee. Price explains that there could be three possible explinations for
the mournaful cries and supernatural activity that have taken place in Click Tunnel.
One story relates how the ghost of this tunnel is also a baby who was dropped and accidentally killed by a drifter who
had taken up work at a farm in eyeshot of the tunnel when he was fleeing from the homeowner with stolen property.
Another legend tells that the same farmer's daughter was hiding her pregnancy since she was not married. She ran to the
tunnel when the labor pains began, and her father followed. When the baby was born, he allegedly drown it in Click Branch.
Yet another story tells that one rainy night a woman with her infant drove into the tunnel and the car died. The next
morning, both were found dead. This could be the origin of the belief that if you turn your vehicle off inside the tunnel,
it won't start back up again. (Source is